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CPA Bangladesh
Bangladesh and online
The Certified Public Accountants and Tax Advisers, Bangladesh (CPA Bangladesh) aims to develop internationally accredited accounting and tax professionals in Bangladesh. It is an endorsed training provider of IFA (UK) in Bangladesh, providing IFA-endorsed postgraduate qualifications (the CPA programme) to get direct membership of two IFAC member bodies, IFA (UK) and IPA (Australia).
Taxation courses are taught by the Institute's Academic Director, Mr Alii Aqbour Chowdhury.
CPA Bangladesh offers courses for various ADIT modules.
Course dates:
For course dates, please email [email protected].
Further information:
CPA Bangladesh, House 276, Lane 4, DOHS Baridhara, Dhaka, 1206, Bangladesh
T: +880 1717 870754
E: [email protected]
W: www.cpabangladesh.com.bd