Student resources

We have a range of resources available for ADIT students, to support your studies and help you grow your international tax career.


The ADIT syllabus features a reading list for each module:

Other resources

Here you can explore our additional list of useful resources.

Tax Adviser

You will receive free access to the online edition of Tax Adviser, the CIOT’s monthly and online journal, for the duration of your studies (with continued access should you subscribe as an International Tax Affiliate upon achievement of ADIT).

View the latest edition.

Study Advance

As an ADIT student you will receive a monthly email, with news and updates about the exams and other key information, as well as timely articles to help you with your studies.

Discounts on studying

Discounts are available on a number of international tax books and resources.

Past papers

Real questions and answers from previous exams are available to ADIT students to help with their study. Practice with previous exams helps students become familiar with the format of the exam, identify areas for further study and focus on exam technique.

A selection of answers from real candidates who have successfully passed the exams are also available. These answers can be used alongside the questions from the exam for a comprehensive understanding of the past exams and the standard necessary to pass.

View the past papers, suggested answers and examples of candidate scripts

Libraries and materials

CIOT Library collection

Our collection is housed as part of the law collection of King’s College London, located at the Maughan Library Information Services Centre in Chancery Lane (formerly the Public Records Office). The nearest tube stations are Chancery Lane and Temple. Find out more or contact [email protected].

IBFD Library

The IBFD offers a comprehensive and inexpensive public library service. Visit for more information or to search the catalogue.

In addition to its main collection, the IBFD library also maintains special collections including the Dissertations and Theses Collection, which features some of the most successful ADIT extended essays.

The IBFD also offers a Tax Research Platform (free account setup required), which features a range of international tax information.

Journal of Tax Administration

The Journal of Tax Administration (JOTA) is a peer-reviewed, open access, online academic journal, developed by the CIOT and the University of Exeter since 2015.

JOTA provides academics, tax policymakers and tax practitioners with an interdisciplinary forum through which they can share knowledge and research about all aspects of tax administration.

Tolley Academy

Tolley Academy offers a range of free-to-access resources including journal and magazine articles relevant to selected ADIT modules.

Extratax Training

Extratax Training offers a variety of free videos focusing on ADIT-relevant international tax topics.

Permitted books

ADIT exam regulations stipulate that only certain items may be brought into an ADIT exam.

Here you can find a full list of the permitted books and materials for each ADIT exam.

Branch and network events

Branch events

You are invited to join a CIOT branch to meet and network with other students, International Tax Affiliates and CIOT members. Our branches, as their primary function, offer the most affordable CPD training, which, although it may not always seem relevant to your immediate ADIT exams, will assist you in progressing through your tax career.

Full list of branches

ADIT networks

We have networks of ADIT professionals in a range of countries around the world, each led by an ADIT Champion and supporting the international tax careers of students.

Be inspired and find out more about our Champions and the networks they lead:

Our Champions help us deliver a range of ADIT events, keeping you informed of the latest international tax developments in your region and assisting in your ADIT learning.

Check out the latest ADIT events

Webinars and online events

Our series of illuminating webinars will help you keep up with the latest developments, and leading topics in today's international tax landscape.

Check out the latest ADIT webinars

We have a growing library of past ADIT webinars, including some Practical learning tips webinars that are specifically designed to help in your studies.

Explore previous ADIT webinars

ADIT blog

This is where we post the latest updates, events and articles from course providers.

Read the ADIT blog


The ADIT LinkedIn group is popular with ADIT students, graduates and International Tax Affiliates as it offers a great platform for professional networking and discussion, together with the latest information on forthcoming courses, seminars and events of interest to international tax practitioners.


Follow us on X (@ADITtalk) to keep up-to-date with student news and deadlines.