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Texas A&M University
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Texas A&M is a tier-one land-grant university with multiple campuses in Texas. The main campus in College Station has more than 62,000 students – for more information, visit www.tamu.edu. The TAMU School of Law is located in Fort Worth, Texas – for more information, visit https://law.tamu.edu.
A total of three classes are available. Two transfer pricing courses are offered. The first course (focusing on business/economic aspects of transfer pricing) is offered each fall semester at the Texas A&M University main campus in College Station, taught by Prof. Lorraine Eden. The second course (focusing on the legal/case law aspects of transfer pricing) is offered each winter/spring semester at the Texas A&M School of Law in Forth Worth, taught by Prof. William Byrnes. Graduate students at Texas A&M can take either or both courses (the first course locally and the second course via distance learning). One international tax course is offered annually by Prof. Byrnes at the Texas A&M University School of Law in Fort Worth.
The courses are also available online, and can be used to prepare for ADIT.
Course dates:
Contact Prof. Eden and/or Prof. Byrnes for details.
Further information:
Prof. William Byrnes, Executive Professor of Law, Texas A&M University School of Law, 1515 Commerce Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102-6509, USA
T: +1 817 212 3969
E: [email protected]
W: https://law.tamu.edu/distance-education/international-tax