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Our election challenge – the responses

27 Jun 2024
At the start of the election campaign, Institute President Charlotte Barbour wrote to the tax spokespeople for the main political parties identifying seven ‘pressing issues’ which the Institute believes should be a priority for the next government. These are the response we’ve received.
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Election campaign tax update – Week Five: 22-28 June

27 Jun 2024
With less than a week to go until the general election, scrutiny is focusing on what tax changes a future Labour government might make. The final party manifestos have been published.
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Worker status - an explainer

26 Jun 2024
Several of the parties, including Labour, are proposing big reforms to employment status. In this explainer we look at what the issues are, the proposed reforms and whether there might be an impact on the tax system.
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General Election 2024: Tax and Northern Ireland

26 Jun 2024
Northern Ireland’s parties have published their election manifestos. Plans for a wealth and an online sales tax feature alongside changes to VAT and corporation tax rates and calls for the devolution of tax-raising powers to the Northern Ireland Assembly.
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General Election 2024: Scottish party manifestos hint at 2026 tax debate

25 Jun 2024
Scotland’s parties continue to publish their General Election manifestos, and while these largely mirror those of their UK counterparts, they offer hints on what the tax policy landscape could look like by the time of the next Scottish Parliament elections in 2026.
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Guest blog - Employee Ownership: hardwiring wellbeing and prosperity into our economy through an effective tax regime

23 Jun 2024
In this guest blog, Sam Blakeborough, Employee Ownership Association (eoa) Policy Lead, discusses the importance of employee ownership and highlights eoa’s requests from the new government.
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Capital gains tax – an explainer

21 Jun 2024
A number of party manifestos propose changes to capital gains tax to raise more money for public services. Our explainer explores how capital gains tax works and what the parties are proposing.
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The General Election and Scotland – an explainer

21 Jun 2024
Some of the tax policies that are being announced during the election campaign will not apply in Scotland after the General Election. This is because some tax powers have been devolved to the Scottish Parliament. In this explainer we take a look at what these tax powers are – and what the political parties are saying about them.
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Election campaign tax update – Week Four: 15-21 June

21 Jun 2024
With less than two weeks to polling day, the main political parties are ramping up their attacks on each other's manifestos and policies.
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General Election 2024: Scottish Greens float income tax/NI merger and new wealth taxes

21 Jun 2024
The Scottish Green Party launched their General Election manifesto on Thursday (20 June), with pledges to merge income tax and National Insurance and bring UK income tax rates into line with Scotland’s from next April.
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