20,000 members - and growing!
Member benefits
Your CIOT membership benefits
Membership of the CIOT is an investment in your career and standing as a tax professional. The Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) designation raises your profile, and highlights a commitment to upholding professional standards which provides confidence to businesses and the public. As a CTA member you will belong to the largest and most influential body in tax. As a community of over 20,000 members in the UK and over 30,000 globally you can connect with fellow CTAs, volunteers, communities, speakers, policy-makers and influencers. Whatever your background, identity or experience we welcome you.
View our new CIOT Membership Benefits booklet here

Membership of the CIOT is an investment in your career and your status and standing as a Chartered Tax Adviser.
We are your voice to effect change and influence
Through the CIOT, you can comment on HMRC and government consultations, shape policy and challenge the status quo. We have a range of technical committees and working groups which harness CTA expertise to influence government and decision-makers. You can see our recent activity on consultations here and our technical committees here. Visit the important work of our Low Incomes Tax Reform Group on a dedicated website here.
We support you with the latest developments, thinking and updates
- Included in your membership is access to Tax Adviser magazine, edited by Lexis Nexis and a weekly technical update email from Lexis Nexis. If you want to only receive a digital copy of Tax Adviser and not the hard copy please email [email protected] to update your preference. If you are not receiving the weekly members update email please email [email protected] to request it.
- Our Technical hub provides a wealth of information to keep you up to speed.
- You also can download a digital copy of the annotated Finance Act and Tax Rate cards. These are located in the member’s area of the website – log in to get access to your member benefits online.
We help you to enhance your skills and knowledge
- You have access to a national programme of online events and technical channels, many of which are delivered by a volunteer branch network of experts in their field. Our focus is to ensure you receive technical updates from industry leaders that impart practical knowledge. All members receive free access to our national programme, with many events being offered free of charge or at reduced rates.
- If you are new to the profession, our New Tax Professionals committee supports us in delivering a dedicated programme of professional skills events to support your career growth. We also support those members who have aspirations to become future speakers on our national programme.
- We provide information on materials (both free and paid for) that may assist in meeting your Continuing Professional Development requirements.
- You have access to a range of discounts provided to members from other organisations:
- AMLCC - CIOT members receive a 20% discount on a standard annual subscription to AMLCC subscription. There are also further discounts available for smaller practices. For further information, please click here.
- Claritax Books - Publish around 30 specialist books, sharing the expertise and practical insights of some of the UK's best known tax barristers, accountants and solicitors, on a wide range of tax topics. Members can get a 20% discount on the 'book of the month' as featured from time to time in our weekly newsletters.
- ICE Data Services Online – CIOT members are offered a 20% discount on the standard annual subscription tariff to ICE Data Services Online Securities Taxation Web Service (new customers only). To take advantage of this offer, please contact ICE Data Services quoting your membership number.
- Implied Trusts and Beneficial Ownership in Modern UK Tax Law, By Chris Thorpe - This book looks at an often-overlooked subject: implied trusts; not only at what they are and where they came from but, significantly, with focus on beneficial ownership and its importance within UK tax. ATT (and CIOT) members can receive a 20% discount by using the code ATT20 for ATT members (CIOT20 for CIOT members) when purchased through the publisher’s website Spiramus Press | Implied Trusts and Beneficial Ownership in Modern UK Tax Law, By Chris Thorpe
- Indicator - FL Memo
CIOT members receive a 20% discount on Tax Memo, a concise and comprehensive user-friendly guide for tax practitioners, which is available in paper and digital format and covers all the major taxes. To take advantage of this offer please use this link. - www.kareneckstein.co.uk - CIOT members can get a 20% discount off the cost of their Risk Insight report which looks at 10 key risks members face in their practices and provides a clear and easy to read report with prioritised recommendations in relation to each of those risks. Click here for more details.
- Tax Research Masterclass - The masterclass is designed to give tax professionals the practical skills to undertake, write up, and keep record of quality tax research (further details here). Attendees will become better, quicker, and more effective in their tax research. CIOT members get a 20% discount – email [email protected] & include TRMCIOT in the subject line.
- Students and members have access to the Library at Kings' College London in Chancery Lane for research and reference purposes.
We support you in meeting your Anti Money Laundering (AML) requirements
- Members in practice may apply to register with the Institute as a supervisory authority for monitoring and compliance under the 2017 Money Laundering Regulations (as amended). Apply here.
- You have free access to a wide range of AML guidance, AML FAQs and pro forma documents.
- We provide a free query support service for AML supervised members at [email protected] for queries.
We help grow and raise your Chartered Tax Adviser profile
- Chartered Tax Adviser is a protected title both here and in Ireland, Australia , Hong Kong and South Africa. You are part of a growing, global community which subscribes to the highest standards of both your academic achievement and adherence to professional conduct in relation to taxation (PCRT). Ethical standards which are set and maintained by seven leading tax and accountancy bodies, which includes the CIOT.
- Appear in our online directory of Chartered Tax Advisers. If you do not already appear in the list and would like to, please contact us for more information: [email protected].
- Apply to use the Chartered Tax Adviser/s Practicemark
- The CIOT is the one of the largest members of CFE, a European network of European tax advisers. The CFE brings together members from 33 national organisations in 26 European countries, representing more than 200,000 tax advisers. CIOT members can connect and engage with the work and committees of the CFE through their CIOT membership.
- Many employers support their staff to study the CTA qualification because it is recognised as the leading industry standard. This gives you access to a wide range of roles and markets both in the UK and overseas.
We provide a platform for you to connect
- You belong to the largest and most influential professional body in tax. As a community of over 20,000 members in the UK and +30,000 globally, you can connect with fellow CTAs, volunteers, committees, speakers, policy-makers and influencers.
- We use the power of social media to keep in touch with you on a regular basis. Follow us for regular news, updates and events.
We support you in times of need
- There are times when you might need our support through a challenging situation. You can access our free Members’ Support Service which aims to help those with work-related personal problems. Please email [email protected], with "Support" in the subject header and a short description of your issues and your membership number; alternatively call the Support Service on 07867 530574, we will ask you details of the support required and we will endeavour to find a senior volunteer, where appropriate, to support you. Please note we are unable to give technical advice.
- You also have access to our Benevolent Fund.
We welcome everyone
Whatever your background, identity or experience, we welcome everyone.
Donate to the Bridge the Gap campaign and help people on low incomes get the expert tax advice they need during a crisis.