General Election 2024: Scottish Greens float income tax/NI merger and new wealth taxes

21 Jun 2024

The Scottish Green Party launched their General Election manifesto on Thursday (20 June), with pledges to merge income tax and National Insurance and bring UK income tax rates into line with Scotland’s from next April.


The party’s manifesto – titled Vote like our future depends on it –  proposes reforms to inheritance tax and business taxes and promotes the introduction of a wealth tax on the richest households.

The measures include:

Personal taxes

  • Merge National Insurance and income tax.
  • Bring UK income tax rates into line with Scottish income tax rates from 1 April 2025.
  • Remove the distinction between earned and unearned income.
  • Reform inheritance tax so that it is calculated based on the circumstances of the recipient and includes gifts made during a donor’s lifetime.

Wealth taxes

  • Introduce a “progressive” annual wealth tax of 1% on households worth more than £3.4 million, rising to 5% for households over £5.7 million and 10% on more than £18.2 million.

Business taxes

  • Closing ‘loopholes’ on business taxes, so that all profits earned in the UK are taxed here.
  • Adjust corporation tax to promote fairness, with higher rates for larger corporations and incentives for socially responsible practices.
  • Tackle tax avoidance and evasion through closer scrutiny of businesses and increased penalties.
  • Introduce a “real, effective” windfall tax on profits in the oil and gas sector and closing the current ‘loophole’ which provides relief for profits reinvested in drilling for new oil and gas.
  • Permanently scrap VAT on products and services which contribute to net zero, including installation of domestic renewable energy measures, and zero emissions building materials.
  • Oppose freeports.