HMRC introduces a new digital upload service ‘Send documents for a customs check’
Since mid-March HMRC has been testing a new digital upload service for the National Clearance Hub with 24 customs agents, which has received positive feedback:
“Wasn't sure what to expect going in blind, but this was really easy"
“Improvement on what’s being done currently”
Hence from June, HMRC will be extending the use of the service and would like to invite further participants.
The benefits of the new digital upload service
The digital upload service will replace the current process of sending emails with attached documents and a completed National Clearance Hub header form (see GOV.UK)
It is designed to be intuitive, so no training is required. It will allow you to:
- send documents for route 1, route 2, route 3 and route 6 checks
- send your completed C1601, C1602 and C1603 forms
It provides:
- a straightforward way to send documents for customs checks
- improved security when sending your documents
- more efficient communication if we have any queries
What to do next
From June, HMRC will extend the use of this new service. If you would like to participate, please email [email protected] to express an interest with ‘Route 1 participation’ in the subject field. You need to provide a contact name, email address and phone number in the email. HMRC will then:
- send you full details on how to access the new service
- ask you to make your normal submissions within the live service instead of emailing them to NCHOFFICIAL