HMRC Stakeholder Digest - 8 March 2023

8 Mar 2023

Please see the following message from HMRC, which we are sharing for information:

The HMRC Stakeholder Digest provides a round-up of our latest news and updates, which we’d be grateful if you could share with your clients, customers, or members. 


Annual Stakeholder Survey closes in just under one week

As a Digest recipient, you may have recently been contacted by Yonder (formerly Populus) and asked to take part in HMRC’s Stakeholder Survey.

If you've received an invitation, we’d like to encourage you to complete the survey before it closes on Tuesday 14 March.

The Stakeholder Survey is an annual piece of research that enables us to measure changes in stakeholder perceptions of HMRC, and to identify areas for improvement in the way we engage and communicate with our key audiences.

This is a great opportunity to provide anonymous feedback on your professional relationship and experiences as a stakeholder with us over the last 12 months.

Participation is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time.

If you would like to take part but in an alternative format, for example by telephone, please contact Yonder (contact details are provided in the invitation).

If you've not seen an invitation, please check your junk or spam folder, as the email originates from our appointed agency Yonder rather than HMRC.


Making it easier for customers to view their payments and prove they're entitled to Child Benefit

We’ve launched a new digital service enabling parents and carers to prove they have a valid claim to Child Benefit and view their last five Child Benefit payment dates on GOV.UK.

Parents and carers often need proof of entitlement to Child Benefit for housing benefit, council tax, and other services. Previously, if a customer requested this information from us this would have taken up to ten days to receive but is now immediately available online, so there’s no need to call us or wait to receive a letter. 

Please share this information with your clients and members to make them aware of this new service and for them to share within their own networks.

Voluntary National Insurance Contributions – extended deadline

On 7 March 2023, the Government extended the voluntary National Insurance deadline to 31 July 2023. This was announced by a Written Ministerial Statement and is available on GOV.UK.

The extension means that your clients and members now have more time to decide whether to fill any gaps in their National Insurance record dating back to April 2006, to boost their new State Pension.  

We are urging customers to not leave it until the last minute, to make sure they do not miss out. They can check their National Insurance record, via the HMRC app or their Personal Tax Account, and will be able to pay any time before the deadline. 

Eligible customers can also find out how to check their State Pension forecast, decide if making a voluntary National Insurance contribution is worthwhile for them and their pension, and how to make a payment on GOV.UK.

National Careers Week – speed up recruitment with the HMRC App

This week is National Careers Week and we want to make applying for a job as quick and easy as possible for those starting their career journeys.

We’ve now made it easier to instantly view, share and print essential employment information like National Insurance numbers through the HMRC App.

The HMRC App can help save up to fifteen days in the recruitment process to help young people start their careers faster. The app can also be used to keep track of income and taxes once their employment begins.

To access this information, they can download the HMRC App for free and/or login or sign up for a Government Gateway account on GOV.UK.

Please encourage your clients and members to share this information with their networks to help support young people starting their career journey.


Businesses misusing their till systems have until 9 April to disclose

We have identified businesses throughout the UK that are suspected of using Electronic Sales Suppression (ESS) systems to evade paying tax.

With a month left to voluntarily disclose, ESS users are being urged to do this by 9 April and to pay what they owe or face severe penalties. We will follow up with those who fail to come forward.

If your members and clients are affected by this, please direct them to the simple disclosure facility on GOV.UK.

By making a disclosure now, those deliberately misusing their till system could see their financial penalties reduced. Fines for possessing ESS tools can be up to £50,000 if the tool is not removed or ceased to be used.

Climate Change Levy – check your rates

We are reminding energy intensive businesses participating in the Climate Change Agreement (CCA) Scheme that Climate Change Levy (CCL) rates, including reduced rates available to those in the CCA Scheme, change on 1 April 2023. 

This change was announced at March Budget 2020 and energy suppliers will need to update their billing systems. CCA participants will also need to make sure they are claiming the correct reduced rates. 

Sectors eligible for a CCA agreement should also make sure they are claiming the correct relief amount.  

Your clients and members can find out more on the Climate Change Levy rates on GOV.UK.

HMRC Public Sector Equality report

We published our Public Sector Equality Duty report on 31 January 2023. This report outlines what we have achieved in 2021 to 2022 to improve diversity and inclusion within HMRC for customers and our people.

Your clients and members can read the full compliance with the public sector equality duties report on GOV.UK.