Professional Conduct in Relation to Taxation (PCRT)
PCRT sets out the principles and standards of behaviour that all members and students must follow in their tax work. It has a digital structure to make it easier to navigate. The current edition is effective from 1 January 2023. This includes some minor editorial changes and can be found here.
PCRT now consists of the fundamental principles and the standards for tax planning.
PCRT is supported by supplementary help sheets (which replace Parts 3 and 4 of the 2017 edition of PCRT).
- PCRT Help sheet A: Submission of tax information and Tax filings
- PCRT Help sheet B: Tax Advice
- PCRT Help sheet C: Dealing with errors
- PCRT Help sheet C2: Dealing with errors - members in business *New*
- PCRT Help sheet D: Request for data by HMRC
- PCRT Help sheet E: Members’ Personal Tax Affairs
In this latest update, the fundamental principles and standards have not changed. The help sheets represent guidance designed to help members apply the Fundamental Principles and Standards in their tax work. While not mandatory a member in a disciplinary case may be asked to explain why they did not follow the help sheet guidance. For example, a case might be brought against a member under the fundamental principle of Integrity. As part of the investigation by the disciplinary body the member could be asked to explain why, as recommended in the ‘Dealing with errors’ help sheet, they had not advised their client to make good the tax underpayment which they had identified in the client’s tax affairs.
From 1st June 2020 PCRT is also supported by topical guidance as follows:
PCRT and Guidance on MTD for Income Tax
The PCRT bodies have established a small working group to review the impact of MTD for Income Tax (MTD for IT) on the rules set out in PCRT. This is with a view to issuing supplementary guidance to support members in readiness for the mandating of MTD for ITSA.
For up to date information on MTD for IT please visit the CIOT MTD for Income Tax Self-Assessment website page, and if members have any queries regarding PCRT, they should contact [email protected].
PCRT Webinars
Five fundamental principles of PCRT webinar
Coronavirus related guidance
CFE Professional Affairs Committee Professional judgment in tax planning and PCRT
Guidance on CFE professional judgement in tax planning and PCRT
Other PCRT related links
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) - practical issues and examples
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) - 2017 changes to PCRT
Letter from Jane Ellison MP to Peter Fanning, Chief Executive on PCRT
Raising standards across the tax profession - report from the PCRT professional bodies
Previous Editions
Professional Conduct in Relation to Taxation effective from 1 March 2019
Professional Conduct in Relation to Taxation effective from 1 March 2017
Professional Conduct in Relation to Taxation effective from 1 May 2015
Professional Conduct in Relation to Taxation effective from 24 February 2014
Professional Conduct in Relation to Taxation effective from 4 January 2011
Professional Conduct in Relation to Taxation effective from 1 April 2004
Professional Conduct in Relation to Taxation effective from March 2000
Professional Conduct in Relation to Taxation effective from Oct 1997
Professional Conduct in Relation to Taxation effective from Nov 1995
Page last reviewed and updated 17 January 2023.