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Returners 2 Work #R2W

Are you returning to work after a break?
It is not un-common for professionals to take a career break at some point in their working lives for numerous reasons such as:
- Maternity, adoption or paternity leave or to support with childcare
- To take care of elderly or ill family members, or due to personal illness
- To take a sabbatical, eg to enjoy period of time overseas or get involved another career all together.
Or you may have found yourself unemployed following a redundancy or are considering coming back from early retirement because you enjoy the challenge of working life, or are looking to generate more income due to changing personal circumstances.
Whatever it is that has prompted you to consider Returning 2 Work, #R2W, for advice on what to think about or the options available to you eg whether to return to employment or to set up in practice (CIOT – ATT), these webpages are for you.
Here you will find support on the things that help you return to work. From dusting off your professional qualifications to considering refreshing your skills through accessible online learning.
The ATT and CIOT are a great resource for anyone wanting to get back into tax. By getting involved with your local branch you can attend seminars and undertake CPD both online and in person to help update your network and your tax knowledge. You could even consider a further qualification, the ATT’s Transfer Pricing Foundation Paper or the CIOT’s Diploma in Tax Technology, both of which can be completed online and can help you gain new skills.
Even if your ATT/CIOT membership has lapsed it is possible to rejoin: you do not need to re-take your examinations but would need to complete a re application form, provide an up-to-date CV and details of 12 months CPD. In addition, those reapplying for admission are required to pay a re-joining fee as well as the usual membership fee. To enquire about re-application please email [email protected]
Remember that whilst you are on a career break ATT and CIOT members who are not working are eligible for reduced membership rates. In addition, members earning less than £20,319 are also eligible for reduced membership rates (so those who are perhaps working reduced hours).
- The ATT reduced rate for members not working is £77 and for members on the low income is £139.
- The CIOT reduced rate for all eligible members in 2025 is £86.
It is not currently possible to put your membership on hold but we are exploring this with our committees/steering groups, however, you can of course consider resigning from membership and then re-joining in the future, sometimes several years later then that is possible. The individual would not need to re-take any examinations but would need to complete a new application, provide an up-to-date CV and details of 12 months CPD. In addition, you would have to pay a re-joining fee as well as membership fees.
For more details see: Fees and Subscriptions | The Association of Taxation Technicians: www.att.org.uk and Become a Member | Chartered Institute of Taxation for further details on the fees for re-joining.
The ATT and the CIOT are a great resource for anyone wanting to get back in to tax. By getting involved with your local branch you can attend seminars and do CPD both online and in person and help update your network and your tax knowledge. You could even consider a further qualification, the ATT has a range of foundation qualifications which would serve well as a reintroduction class/recap after a period of absence https://www.att.org.uk/our-tax-qualifications/online-courses-att-foundation-qualifications or the CIOT’s Diploma in Tax Technology both of which can be completed online and can help you gain new skills. You can apply for a 100% discount on the cost of the qualifications by submitting an online form here 100% discount available on application, subject to approval
If you have a personal story about your Return 2 Work experience, do get in touch, we’d be delighted to include your story here.
If you would like to speak to a member of the team please write with R2W in the subject header to [email protected] / [email protected]