Grants and Bursaries
Here you will find information on the Tax Advisers Benevolent Fund (TABF), PhD grant and other grants and sponsorship funding.
The Tax Advisers Benevolent Fund (TABF)
TABF was established by trust deed by CIOT & ATT as a registered charity (charity number 1049658) in 1995 principally to help members and former members and their dependants in need of financial assistance or advice. In addition, TABF has wider general purpose charitable objects. The Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers (WCoTA) is the Corporate Trustee.
Although TABF is a small charity run entirely by voluntary support, since its launch the charity has received over 40 applications for assistance from CIOT & ATT members and approved grants and loan grants totalling over £38,000. Ten years ago CIOT and ATT funded Student Bursary Scheme managed by TABF to help disadvantaged students with training and other exam costs. Over the years TABF has dealt with over 250 enquiries about funding from CIOT and ATT students and grants totalling over £82,000 have been paid.
All applications for assistance are reviewed by the Almoner who reports directly to WCoTA Charities Committee. The Committee considers all applications for assistance on their merits on an anonymous basis throughout the year and meets four times a year to discuss financial performance, management, strategy and risk. Decisions on grants are made at the sole discretion of the Committee and on such terms as they see fit.
Some case histories
Typically hardship grants are paid to members, students and their dependants because of illness or injury, unemployment, redundancy, low income, expensive disability aid or building modification requirements and arrears of outstanding priority bills that pose a threat to the applicant. Some examples of grants to CIOT and ATT members:
- A sole practitioner unable to work for several months after a serious accident – grant to help with care, practice support and travel to hospital
- Unemployed member suffering depression following job loss and divorce – loan grant to cover rent arrears
- Daughter of a deceased member on low income and unable to work full time due to balance problems affecting her mobility – grant to settle outstanding balance on her mother’s funeral costs
Examples of grants to students:
- Divorced single parent with two children working for a very small accountancy practice on a low income with no career development prospects wanting to broaden her tax skills to increase her chances of getting a better job – grant to cover training costs and exam fees
- Sole practitioner on a low income recovering from a mental breakdown following family problems wanting to return to his studies to become a CTA – grant to cover training and exam fee costs
- Working in a small practice on a low income and paying child maintenance. Employer will not pay for tax training. One more paper to sit to qualify – grant for training and exam fee
Who funds the TABF and how to help
TABF is very grateful for the financial and administrative support from CIOT, ATT and their Members and from Members of the WCoTA. Any questions about TABF and making donations by bank transfers, standing orders, direct debits, gifts in wills or donations by cheque should be made by email to [email protected]. TABF is only a small charity, please help us to grow and help more members and students.
Who is eligible to apply for help?
If you are a CIOT or ATT Member and:
- Your personal income is below the Minimum Income Standard (£20,000 for single people but higher if there are dependants)
- You can demonstrate hardship and the need for financial assistance
If you are a CIOT or ATT Student and:
- Your personal income is below the Minimum Income Standard (£20,000 for single people but higher if there are dependants)
- You can demonstrate the need for financial assistance towards training to become a Chartered Tax Adviser or a Taxation Technician and a commitment to undertake a course of preparation and to sit the examinations
How to apply
Contact Emma Barklamb at [email protected] who will ensure you are sent a TABF application form. There are separate forms for Members and Students.
PhD Grant
There are two application closing dates each year: 1 April and 1 November.
Grants will not be given to students until they have completed their first year.
Students must be undertaking either full-time or part-time research towards a PhD in taxation at a UK university although students who are registered for an M.Phil. and who intend to upgrade to a PhD before submission may apply.
This grant must not be used to meet college fees and please note that no living expenses will be approved for payment as part of any grant request.
Preference will be given to those students who intend to remain in the UK to pursue an academic career.
Download the form to make an application for a PhD grant.
Grant and Sponsorship Funding Applications
We invite proposals for high quality research related to the activities of the CIOT. Please complete the pre-proposal form as the first stage of the submission process. All submissions will be treated in confidence by the CIOT and its referees.
Grant Application Guidance Notes
Current Research Opportunities
None at present.
Completed Research Reports
July 2017 – The tax problems experienced by older people
August 2018 - Improving Tax Literacy and Tax Morale of Young People
February 2021 - Property Tax Management and its Impact on Social Housing and Governance
Sponsorship Funding
We are willing to consider reasonable applications for sponsorship funding where the activity fits with the charitable objects of the CIOT. Please complete the Sponsorship Funding Application Form if you wish to make a request for funds. Guidance notes are available below for download prior to completion of the Application Form. All submissions will be treated in confidence by the CIOT.