ID capture

Before starting your exam, you will need to complete a simple ID capture process in Exam4. On this page you will find helpful guidance to help you submit your ID.

A webcam is required for the ID capture. You can either use an in-built webcam or an external webcam connected to your device.

  1. Aim to launch Exam4 before you are due to start your exam. We encourage you to test and practice the ID capture process by running a practice exam ahead of exam day, but you will still need to capture your ID before starting your real exam on the day.
  2. Complete steps 1-6 in the Starting your exam guide.
  3. At this stage you will reach the ID capture screen.
  4. Follow the prompts to take a clear and readable photo of your ID, and a clear photo of your face.
  5. When you are satisfied with both photos, click Use Photos.

You are now ready to start your exam! You can now open your question paper and begin your exam.


What ID should I use?

You must submit a form of valid ID which includes both your photograph and your signature (for example, a passport or driving licence with photo).

If you do not possess either a passport or driving licence which includes both your photograph and your signature, you should email us as soon as possible to discuss suitable alternatives.

When can I complete the ID capture?

Because of the way the question paper is accessed, on exam day you will only be able to complete your pre-exam setup and complete the ID capture at your scheduled exam start time. As it will take a couple of minutes to complete the setup, capture your exam ID and access your question paper, this means you will likely start your exam a little after your scheduled start time. However, as you have a 15-minute window in which to start your exam, this will not be a problem – as long as you open your question paper to start the exam within this 15-minute period, you will not lose any time.

For example, if you open the question paper 5 minutes after your scheduled start time, you can finish your exam 5 minutes after your scheduled finish time. We encourage you to complete your candidate checklist and make a note of the time at which you start your exam – this will help you ensure that you finish at the correct time, and get the full 3 hours 15 minutes in which to answer the questions.

Why is my webcam screen black when I start the ID capture process?

This is usually an issue with your device's privacy settings.

To resolve on Windows, open Camera Privacy Settings, and check that Exam4 is listed within the apps allowed to access your camera.

To resolve on macOS, open Security & Privacy and select Camera. Check that Exam4 is listed within the apps allowed to access your camera.

If you are still having issues, email us for further guidance.

Will the webcam stay on during my exam?

Yes, the webcam will stay on throughout your exam. This is required for Exam4 to work correctly, so don't disconnect your webcam after completing the ID capture process.