Permitted books

When sitting the ADIT exams, candidates may bring into the exam room one bound edition of each of the listed publications. Read this guidance carefully if you plan to use the permitted books in your exam.


All candidates must follow these rules when using permitted books in the exams.

You may:

  • Underline words and sentences.
  • Highlight words and sentences, or sideline pages (highlight edges of the pages when the book is closed).
  • Tag pages with small index flags.
  • Fold pages.
  • Refer to your permitted books throughout the exam.
  • Use earlier or more recent editions of the permitted books than those listed.
  • Use original copies of the books, bound by the publisher.
  • Request permission to use self-printed copies of the books, by following the guidance below.

You may not:

  • Use any books that are not listed as permitted on this page (not all books in the reading list in the ADIT syllabus are permitted in the exams).
  • Use study guides or any other texts that are not listed as permitted on this page.
  • Annotate your books in any way (your name and candidate number are fine).
  • Use note paper, post-it notes or any other handwritten notes.
  • Use electronic copies of the books on devices such as laptop or desktop PCs, smartphones, tablets or e-readers. This includes the computer on which you will complete your exam via Exam4.
  • Use self-printed copies of the books without written permission.

If you do not have access to an original, bound copy:

Self-printed copies of permitted books or texts require individual, written dispensation from the CIOT for each exam.

If you have genuine difficulty obtaining an original, bound book, you can apply to use a self-printed copy of the permitted book or text as soon as possible and no later than 48 hours before your exam.

Applications made less than 48 hours before the start of your exam will not be accepted.

The CIOT has the absolute power to disqualify candidates who use books or text which are not permitted in the exam, or who use any material in breach of our rules.

This page lists only those books which candidates are permitted to use during the June 2024 and December 2024 exams. The full reading list for each module can be found in the 2024 edition of the ADIT syllabus.

How to use the permitted books

When using the permitted books in your exam, you should always seek to apply the concepts from the book to the specific circumstances of the question you are answering, using your own words, rather than simply copying or reciting content from the permitted book. Marks are awarded for originality and application of the points to the questions, but not for simple recitation of the permitted books.

You can find further guidance on how to reference sources in your exam answers.

Which books are permitted?

Our permitted books policy is designed to reflect the scope and complexity of the various ADIT exam subjects, and to enable you as a candidate to support your answers with reference to relevant publications and evidence.

The list of permitted books for each ADIT module is based on the official publications of international organisations, supranational organisations and national governments relevant to that module. These can include publications of the OECD and the UN relating to tax, and relevant EU Regulations and Directives. For Jurisdiction modules, these are the jurisdiction’s domestic tax statutes and regulations, where available in English.

As a general principle, texts that include third-party analysis and commentary are not permitted. Study guides and other learning resources (including copies of past ADIT exam papers and suggested solutions) are also not permitted.

Click below to find the full list of permitted books for each ADIT exam.

Principles of International Taxation

This exam is held in the June and December exam sessions.

  • OECD. Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project: 2015 Final Reports. Executive Summaries (Paris: OECD, 2015)
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital (Paris: OECD, 2017) [ISBN: 9789264287945]
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Transfer Pricing Guidance on Financial Transactions: Inclusive Framework on BEPS. Actions 4, 8-10 (Paris: OECD, 2020)
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations (Paris: OECD, 2022) [ISBN: 9789264526914]
  • United Nations. UN Model Double Taxation Convention between Developed and Developing Countries 2021 (New York: UN, 2021) [ISBN: 9789212591841]
  • Van Raad, K. Materials on International, TP and EU Tax Law 2020-2021. Volume A (Leiden: International Tax Centre, 2020) [ISBN: 9789082585452]

2.01 Australia

This exam is held in the June exam session.

  • Deutsch, R. et al. Australian Tax Handbook 2024 (Thomson Reuters Australia, 2024) [ISBN: 9780864600868]

2.02 China

This exam is held in the June exam session.

  • King & Wood Mallesons. China Master Tax Guide 2021 (Wolters Kluwer, 14th edition, 2021) [ISBN: 9789887935759]

2.03 Cyprus

This exam is held in the June and December exam sessions.

  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital (Paris: OECD, 2017) [ISBN: 9789264287945]
  • Van Raad, K. Materials on International, TP and EU Tax Law 2020-2021. Volume A (Leiden: International Tax Centre, 2020) [ISBN: 9789082585452]

2.04 Hong Kong

This exam is held in the June exam session.

  • Wolters Kluwer. Hong Kong Master Tax Guide 2024-2025 (Wolters Kluwer, 32nd edition, 2024) [ISBN: 9789887617235]

2.05 India

This exam is held in the June exam session.

  • Taxmann. Direct Taxes Manual (Taxmann, three-volume edition, 54th edition, 2024) [ISBN: 9789357789332]
  • Taxmann. Income Tax Act 1961 (Taxmann, 69th edition, 2024) [ISBN: 9789364559881]
  • UK/India Double Taxation Treaty

2.06 Ireland

This exam is held in the June exam session.

  • Fennell, D. Direct Tax Acts, Finance (No. 2) Act 2023 (Irish Tax Institute, 2024)
  • Keogan, A. and Scully, E. Law of Capital Acquisitions Tax, Stamp Duty and Local Property Tax, Finance (No. 2) Act 2023 (Irish Tax Institute, 2024)
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital (Paris: OECD, 2017)
  • Reade, M. Law of Value-Added Tax, Finance (No. 2) Act 2023 (Irish Tax Institute, 2024)
  • Van Raad, K. Materials on International, TP and EU Tax Law 2020-2021. Volumes A, C1 and C2 (Leiden: International Tax Centre, 2020)

2.07 Malta

This exam is held in the June exam session.

  • Laws of Malta, Cap 123, Income Tax Act
  • Laws of Malta, Cap 364, Duty on Documents and Transfers Act
  • Laws of Malta, Cap 372, Income Tax Management Act
  • Laws of Malta, Cap 406, Value Added Tax Act

2.08 Singapore

This exam is held in the June exam session.

  • Goods and Services Tax Act, Cap 117A, Rev Ed 2005 with all subsequent amendments
  • Income Tax Act, Cap 134, Rev Ed 2014 with all subsequent amendments
  • Wolters Kluwer. Singapore Master Tax Guide 2024-2025 (CCH Singapore, 43rd edition, 2024) [ISBN: 9789814838832]

2.09 United Kingdom

This exam is held in the June and December exam sessions.

  • Cordara, R. Tolley’s Orange Tax Handbook 2024-2025 (LexisNexis, 2024) [ISBN: 9781474327343]
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital (Paris: OECD, 2017) [ISBN: 9789264287945]
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations (Paris: OECD, 2022) [ISBN: 9789264526914]
  • Redston, A. Tolley’s Yellow Tax Handbook 2024-2025 (LexisNexis, 2024) [ISBN: 9781474329934]
  • United Nations. UN Model Double Taxation Convention between Developed and Developing Countries 2021 (New York: UN, 2021) [ISBN: 9789212591841]
  • Van Raad, K. Materials on International, TP and EU Tax Law 2020-2021. Volume A (Leiden: International Tax Centre, 2020) [ISBN: 9789082585452]

Candidates will be provided with a copy of the UK Tax Tables for reference in the exam.

2.10 United States

This exam is held in the June exam session.

  • Peroni, R. International Income Taxation: Code and Regulations (Chicago: CCH, latest edition)

3.01 EU Direct Tax

This exam is held in the June and December exam sessions.

  • Van Raad, K. Materials on International, TP and EU Tax Law 2018-2019. Volumes C1 and C2 (Leiden: International Tax Centre, 2018)
    Candidates with a 2016-2017 edition may instead take Volume C of the earlier edition into the exam.

3.02 EU VAT

This exam is held in the June and December exam sessions.

  • Cordara, R. Tolley’s Orange Tax Handbook 2024-2025 (LexisNexis, 2024) [ISBN: 9781474327343]
  • Terra, B. and Kajus, J. A Guide to the European VAT Directives 2024 (IBFD, 2024) [ISBN: 9789087228729]

3.03 Transfer Pricing

This exam is held in the June and December exam sessions.

  • OECD. Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project: 2015 Final Reports. Executive Summaries (Paris: OECD, 2015)
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital (Paris: OECD, 2017) [ISBN: 9789264287945] and accompanying Commentary: Article 5, Article 7, Article 9, and "special relationship" in Articles 10-12
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project: 2015 Final Reports. Actions 8-10 (Paris: OECD, 2015) [ISBN: 9789264241237]
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project: 2015 Final Reports. Action 13 (Paris: OECD, 2015) [ISBN: 9789264241466]
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Report on the Attribution of Profits to Permanent Establishments (Paris: OECD, 2010)
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Transfer Pricing Guidance on Financial Transactions: Inclusive Framework on BEPS. Actions 4, 8-10 (Paris: OECD, 2020)
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations (Paris: OECD, 2022) [ISBN: 9789264526914]
  • United Nations. UN Model Double Taxation Convention between Developed and Developing Countries 2021 (New York: UN, 2021) [ISBN: 9789212591841]
  • United Nations. UN Practical Manual on Transfer Pricing for Developing Countries 2021 (New York: UN, 2021) [ISBN: 9789212591858]
  • Van Raad, K. Materials on International, TP and EU Tax Law 2020-2021. Volume A (Leiden: International Tax Centre, 2020) [ISBN: 9789082585452]

3.04 Energy Resources

This exam is held in the June and December exam sessions.

  • Abdo, H. Taxation of UK Oil and Gas Production: a Non-Proprietorial Regime? (Oxford: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010) [ISBN: 9783843375917]
  • OECD. Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project: 2015 Final Reports. Executive Summaries (Paris: OECD, 2015)
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital (Paris: OECD, 2017) [ISBN: 9789264287945] and accompanying Commentary
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Transfer Pricing Guidance on Financial Transactions: Inclusive Framework on BEPS. Actions 4, 8-10 (Paris: OECD, 2020)
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations (Paris: OECD, 2022) [ISBN: 9789264526914]
  • Van Raad, K. Materials on International, TP and EU Tax Law 2020-2021. Volume A (Leiden: International Tax Centre, 2020) [ISBN: 9789082585452]

3.05 Banking

This exam is held in the June exam session.

  • Council Directive 2014/107/EU: mandatory automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation
  • GOV.UK. The Code of Practice on Taxation for Banks (GOV.UK, December 2013)
  • HMRC. Stamp Taxes on Shares Manual (HMRC, 2016)
  • OECD. Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project, 2015 Final Reports. Executive Summaries (Paris: OECD, 2015)
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital (Paris: OECD, 2017) [ISBN: 9789264287945]
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Transfer Pricing Guidance on Financial Transactions: Inclusive Framework on BEPS. Actions 4, 8-10 (Paris: OECD, 2020)
  • OECD, Committee on Fiscal Affairs. Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations (Paris: OECD, 2022)
  • Van Raad, K. Materials on International, TP and EU Tax Law 2020-2021. Volume A (Leiden: International Tax Centre, 2020) [ISBN: 9789082585452]